Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How rare and special our kind are

Wow, I haven't blogged in forever, but I finally have something that has been on my heart for a while now that I would to share :) One of my very dearest friends who I grew up with in church, who had the same frame of mind as I did and has parents to guide her, has taken a different path in life. She was probably the most determined person I knew that wanted to beat the odds and be an example to all young people by living a pure life. Both of us were strong in iur commitment not to kiss anyone but our future husbands and were very determined in that decision to make it happen. We hadn't talked in a little while due to our insanely busy senior year schedules but had the opportunity too last week at my little sisters birthday party. Before I continue with my story I must add in that I LOVE just sitting down and talking to my friends about life! Anywhoo, Emmaleighn and I escaped from the little kid sugar hyped up madness to a seculeded place where we could
get away from it all and catch up. The main reason I wanted to talk to her was because the night before at a friends house her boyfriend was talking to my friend and telling my friend about all the stuff they have done together (I'll spare you the details). I was completely horrified by what I thought were rumors he was spreading to beef up his ego. I will admit that I am pretty niave when it comes to people. It's not in my nature to think the worst of people, I pretty much think that everyone is perfect until my world is shattered by reality. So Emmaleighn and I were talking and I asked her if theses things were true. Expecting her to reply with a quick and shocked no, she replied with a shy and ashamed yes. Wow I wish you could have seen the size of my eyes! Millions of things were running through my mind; how, why, what happened! When i asked her why, she told me it was hard to explain and that i would undertand when i fell in love like she had.
And to make matters more distressful she plans to move in with him this summer. Where did that girl who didn't want to kiss anyone but her husband go! How could this of happened! Where was I while she was going through this! Then i started blaming myself. I said thought that if only we had talked more about staying pure or holding eachother more accountable this wouldn't have happened. But one thing, if any that I have learned from the many cenarios like this I have been through, I have learned this, it is not your fault! There is nothing you could have done to keep your friend from making the decision that they did. You must always remember that you do not hold in your hands the fate of anyone, our precious and all wise Lord does. I may not understand why she went back on her promise to stay pure but I do know that we who do stay pure are like a rare species of flower. You who are pure and intend to keep your purity are a very special person indeed.
You will encounter events like this in your life! Not everyone will keep there promise to stay pure, not everyone is as strong and determined as you are! But to you who are strong, stay strong and mighty in the Lord and pray for those who have broken there promise to stay pure! Pray that they find the path back to the Lord. But in the mean time be there for your friends who have broken their promise. Love them, let them know that you don't see them any different; because I promise you, that is their biggest fear! They fear they will lose your friendship because of there mistake. But what kind of Christian stops loving there friend because of a mistake? Is that showing the love of Christ? Certainly not, if He can love us for making daily mistakes then who are we not to forgive our friends and love them more than ever! I do pray and hope that you will never have to go through something like this, but everyone is human and has weakness of the flesh. But
we Christians have also have the desires of Christ that battle with our flesh daily. Stay strong my friends!
If you have any prayer requests feel free share :)

Hayden ~
Ecc. 3:1

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hayden!
    You are one hundred percent right, it is not your fault. I too have taken a different path than my friends. In fact all of my childhood friends that started out as sweet innocent maidens, have fallen of the path in pursuit of worldy pleasurse that are leading them father and farther away from their Saviour.
    I will be praying that the Lord leads you to young women that will build you up and encourage you as you seek to honor Jesus Christ.

    May the Lord richly bless your life as you stand alone.

    Many Blessings,



I love comments and even prayer requests! Just remember to keep your comments appropriate for all ages please :)