Monday, May 14, 2012

Update two!

Blogger and I are friends again! I have decided not to hassle with changing blogs so feel free to continue following me here! 


Hello Everyone!!
No I am not leaving the blogisphere and I know it's been forever since I've posted so here is what is up! Blogger and I don't really get along anymore so I am moving to wordpress! You can follow me at:

Also this semester has been very taxing on me stress wise and health wise.  You can add a sugar allergy to the rest of the foods I should (but don't always do) avoid.  It is not as upsetting as one would think considering how much better I already feel (when I'm avoiding said foods) !  My time this semester has been devoted to resting and my studies and has left little to no room for blogging, but with my current major switch I am hoping that this will change! Thank you for your faithfulness!

Hayden Lorraine~