Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quote of the week 

"Honesty is very rare, and an honest girl is a girl you can build a family with, regardless of her past." 

Book of the Week 

Video of the week

This was the first thing I could think of.  I think it's a sign that I'm ready to go back to school!

Song of the week

This is inspired by The Hills marathon I have had this week so far.  

Have a great rest of the week! I'm going to continue to pack up for school and anticipate my move!

Love you all!

Hayden <3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I know this sounds bad but I'm way to busy to write out an entire post for the next two weeks.  I did however read this earlier and thought I would share it.

" Why not give yourself to the one who didn’t care whether you got fat than give yourself to the one who makes you feel like you’ve got to throw up after eating a lolly-pop? That kind of love story sucks so stop living it!" - Donald Miller

Very blunt, but very true.

I'll post again tomorrow!
