Monday, January 10, 2011

Character Qualities

     So in honor of the new year I went through my character quality chart.  You've probably seen this before if you are familiar with Bill Gothard or know anything about IBLP (institute in basic living principles).  If you not familiar with this let me explain a little first.  This chart is derived from all the character qualities that the bible instructs us to posses as followers of Christ.  Each character quality has an antonym and then has a bible verse attached that shows how we should act accordingly.  So I went through my list and made a star by the ones I thought that I possessed as a spiritual gift, a check by ones that I was ok on but could work on and then a dot by the ones that are lacking in my life.  

Lets go through the ones that I need to work on :)

  • Self control vs Self Indulgence
    • Ever since I've gone to college my self control has slightly diminished especially when it comes to food.  Always being on the run from activity to activity didn't leave me much time to think about what I was putting into my mouth which did lead to weight gain.  Now, since I've stopped dancing I new I would put on weight, even my doctor said so, but I could have prevented some of it my not indulging in whatever I wanted when I wanted.  But a huge thing that I have learned about indulgence is that it's immature.  I'm not 5 I don't need to through a mental temper tantrum when I don't get to eat what I want, I'm older and wiser and definitely know better than that! And now I'm gluten intolerant! God's own personal way of saying "well if you won't have the self control to not put that in your body then I'll take away your privilege to way more than just sweets!" 
      • "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." - Galations 5:24-25
  • Orderliness vs Disorganization 
    • I always say I will be organized! And I start of really well! But I think as I get deeper into the semester I get deeper into paper haha, and honestly it seems hopeless at the point to organize the mess! If I would just stick with what I have planned out everything would be in it's place and I wouldn't have to waste an hour looking for that study guide that is somewhere in the abiss I call my desk!  
      • "Let all things be done decently and in order." - I Corinthians 14:40
  • Reverence vs Disrespect
    • With me it's not so much reverence for elders, people my age or even younger people.  Its reverence for the plan that God has for the people that he has put in my life and how I play a part in that.  I don't know how often people think about it, but every minute contact with every person in our life was planned and planned for a reason.  We are given multiple opportunities to show God's love and except that he has a plan for that person just like he has a plan for us.  No matter who that person is.  It could be our best friend, our worst enemy or even a random person in passing during our daily activities.  It's harder for me to except that someone I'm not very fond of has a purpose in my life, for either my sanctification, theirs or even both of ours! Let's face it, I don't want to spend time around them, but when I do have contact with them I have an obligation to be as loving as possible! I'm a lot better than I used to be but it still needs some fine tuning :)
      • "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all day long. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." - Proverbs 23:17-18
  • Thriftiness vs Extravagance 
    • At the moment I have no income except my mother :) but I'm still not responsible with even that! I can be responsible with it but when there is something I really want but don't need I get that instead of the things the money is really for.  Now when I had a job during my senior year I treated that money like my own personal disposable income.  I never wanted, but when it came time for college, my bank account was wiped out! And I was supposed to save that money for college specifically so I could have somewhat of am income. How are we supposed to take care of the spiritual riches the Lord has given us if we can't even take care of little things like our income!
      • "If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?" - Luke 16:11
  • Sensitivity vs Callousness 
    • The definition of this character quality is 'exercising my senses so that I can perceive the true spirit and emotions of those around me.'  When it comes to reading people or "knowing there true spirit and emotions" I know that I'm good at that and believe that that is a spiritual gift given to people by our Lord.  But when it comes to being sensitive in general I don't think I'm very good at that.  By nature I am a very blunt person and tell it how it is.  I don't spare people the truth or sugar coat anything, and I mean anything.  The good thing about that is  when people want the real truth about something that they are struggling with they will come to me for the real answer because they know I won't tell them that what they are doing is ok or that what they are doing is just a phase or normal.  However, there is a time when you have to be more sensitive to certain people based on there personality types.  I know those people's personalities but that doesn't mean that I always take that into account when speaking to them, which can get me into trouble.  They can often take it for me being rude or insensitive, (if they don't know me or my personality) when it's almost always coming out of general concern and care about them and their overall well-being.  So think this one is mostly a matter of my appearance as opposed to my heart. But sometimes people just need someone to sympathize with them instead of always giving them advice.
      • "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." - Romans 12:15
  • Diligence vs Slothfulness 
    • There have been many times and probably will be others where I have completed something just to complete it and get it done.  When in everything we are supposed to do our best as if we were doing it for our Lord himself, which we are! Ever tiny detail of everything we complete while on earth is for the Lord. We should be praising Him in everything we do and if we are doing it with less than excellent work it's a disgrace! 
      • "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." - Colossians 3:23
  • Contentment vs Covetousness 
    • I often wonder why I don't have the best voice out of everyone or why my little sister got the good legs or why I'm still single. These thoughts enter my mind on a daily basis.  And not until recently did I realize that I'm not ready to be married if I can't be content in my Lord alone first.  I'll never be content in anything on this world because it's not Him.  His word says that all we need is food and clothing to be content.  So everything else that we have is a blessing! And yet I sit here and complain about little things I don't have.  That is when I'm most troubled by my sin.  I have everything I need and an abundance more and here I am wanting more. 
      • "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." - 1 Timothy 6:8
  • Joyfulness vs Self-pity
    • Here's the big one.  When I think about my Lord or studying the word I have an overwhelming joy inside of me.  Does that joy radiate externally.  No.  Part of it is my personality.  I don't bare my soul to just anyone and I feel like that is what holds me back.  I'm very careful about who I share my heart with.  It's almost like if I seem too joyful in the Lord and radiate like I want to, I will be judged, which I will.  But I'm not afraid of being judged by non believers as much as I am afraid of being judged, rather than encouraged, by my brothers and sister in the Lord. I think everyone knows that because of our sinful nature we are judged in a worldly sense even by our own kind.  We should be joyful when we see others rejoicing in the wonder and majesty of the Lord and what He is doing in their lives and the lives of others. This is how the Joy of the Lord is our strength! But more often than not I think we look at them in a strange manner. That is only causing them and ourselves to be weak.  I also think a lot of us morn of sin instead of being joyful in the fact that the Lord extends grace to us.  We wallow in our self pity that we are sinners.  Yes we are sinners, and we should never forget that, if we do we are in trouble. But I think joy is something that is something that is lacking especially in me.
      • "You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." - Psalm 16:1 
  • Cautious vs Rashness
    • I can be very rash.  I don't tend to think that there might be a better time to do something.  I am becoming better at this but I normally think it and then do it.  It's as simple as that.
      • "desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way." - Proverbs 19:2
  • Patients vs Restlessness 
    • I always thought that patients was something I had down pat.  Being from a large family I thought I had more patients than some because I was used to waiting for things.  Until recently.  My older sister has moved in with us now that she is disabled and I've learned that there is no such thing has having patients down pat! She basically can't do anything for herself.  Either my oldest little sister or I have to get and do everything for her.  Help her into the car, get her out of the car, push her wheelchair, get her every meal, get her all of her pain medication on time, do her hair, help her into bed, and help her into the name a few haha.  But I didn't know the true meaning of patients until this christmas break.  It can get very frustrating especially when she doesn't do the few things that she can do on her own.  Sometimes she doesn't see the use in trying to do anything so we literally do everything for her.  That's when I become the most impatient, when she doesn't seem grateful.  It also becomes very frustrating when she expects to have a voice of authority in the house.  Her lack of patients causes me to become impatient! She hasn't every really lived with any of the younger kids so she doesn't know when to pick her battles. She's gripes at every little thing they do.  It can become quite annoying especially in a family this size.  She also gets frustrated when the younger kids don't listen to her.  Yes I can see how that gets frustrating for her, but she can't expect to disrupt their lives by moving in and then expect them to listen to her as an authority figure.  It's like a stepmom expecting to have absolute instantaneous authority over all of the children in the house even the previous wives children.  They become bitter and resentful.  Despite how she has turned this house upside down I will say I am grateful for the spiritual awakening that has recently taken place in her life due to the events of these past couple months. 
      • "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance." - Romans 5:3-4
  • Enthusiasm vs Apathy
    • I don't always rejoice.  The first thing I think when I have to wake up for my 9 am class if definitely not "It's great to be alive!" It should be! I should be praising my Lord that he chose to wake me up another morning and give me another chance at life here on earth! I should have great enthusiasm for the family he gave me, the school I have the privilege to attend, the friends he has blessed me with, and every imaginable opportunity that has come my way! Every day is a gift and that alone should give me reason to be enthusiastic!
      • "Rejoice always, do not quench the spirit." - 1 Thess. 5:16.19
  • Meekness vs Anger
    • It is not so much anger with me as it is me desiring a gentler and quieter spirit and to me that means meek.  After all as a woman that is what I should be.  I feel that sometimes my spirit can becoming annoying to others.  However I don't want people to think that just because I'm meek that I don't have an opinion! I love when people come to me for advice or even just comfort.  I wouldn't want my meekness to get in the way of that.  But as a woman of the Lord I wouldn't want my sometimes loudness to become a problem.  
      • "For God alone, O my should, wait in silence, for my hope is from him." - Psalm 62:5
Well there you have it.  My soul bared before you haha  I do pray that this encourages you to examine which personal character qualities you struggle with and also learn which ones are your strong suits! There is nothing wrong in knowing what characteristics the Lord has blessed you with!  If anything it will help you keep from despairing while you try to work on your weaker ones! I hope you have a wonderful start to the new semester!

~Hayden Lorraine
Ecc. 3:1 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Agave vs Stevia

Over the Christmas break we discovered that I have a gluten allergy! It's really not as horrible as it seems but it definitely not very easy! There is gluten in everything.  My salad dressing, all forms of bread (except gluten free ones :D) certain grains and even tylenol! But to be honest this will probably help me be more healthy.  Now that college has started there's not much time to think about eating healthfully.

Anyway, now I drink green smoothies for breakfast as opposed to cereal and in the recipe for the one I most often make it calls for Agave Nectar.  I found this interesting I had heard some about it from my childhood friends who also have gluten allergies, but other than that I had no real information on it.  Early this evening while I was in the kitchen making sweet potatoes for dinner, my mom put honey in her batch.  I asked her if she new anything about Agave Nectar and would she think that it would be more healthy to put that in things like my smoothies or our sweet potatoes.  It was funny that I asked because just this morning she had watched a report about Agave Nectar on Good Morning America.  Since it's early into the new year and with everyone trying to get fit they did a report on refined sugars vs raw sugars.  So apparently they reported that Agave Nectar is actually worse for you than honey! It has more concentrated fructose in it that high fructose corn syrup.  side note: don't believe those commercials that come on tv that say there is nothing wrong with high fructose corn syrup and that it's natural and made from corn.  Made from corn, yes. Natural, no. It's processed. 

 But on the bright side of things there is this great little green plant and when it is in powered form it is a wonderful low calorie sweetener. You've probably heard about Stevia or at least seen commercials from Truvia which is a crystalized form of Stevia.  What I like about Stevia is that it has no bitter aftertaste like most low cal sweeteners.  For instance splenda, sweet'n'low or equal just to name a few. And best of all, its natural! There is no processing involved, except making it into a powder.  My most favorite thing about it though is how it doesn't give you a head ache or sugar rush.  Sugar makes me spacey and I tend not to be able to focus when its in my system and they are no such side affects with Stevia! It's also cheaper. For one whole 4oz. bottle you get 1146 servings.  I drop is equal to 1 Tbs. of sugar.  

Here is the recipe for my Green Smoothies :)

1-1/4  C. water
2 big handfuls of greens of your choice (I use fresh spinach)
1 T. coconut oil
Blend together and then add 1C of ice
3 peaches (I use freshly frozen but you can use fresh pitted ones)
1/3 peeled cucumber
1 banana
squirt agave or a little honey (or in my case stevia)
1 C. frozen fruit (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries etc.)
opt. 1/2 t. flax meal
Blend until smooth!
makes 3 servings
If your worried about it tasting greenish it really doesn't! the coconut oil takes care of that primarily and there is so much other fruit that you can't tell, except for the color of course :)