Monday, January 18, 2010

An empty mind

Oh boy I love how in my last post I said I would update it in the morning, Hahaha well its about what a week later and I'm just now getting to updating. Oh well better now then never! Not having school seemed to make me even busier! Any way, not a whole lot is going on in my life right now, I always have these good ideas for blog posts and then when it comes time to actually blog they go away. I don't know where they go they just leave my mind and i'm left with nothing else to write. Ugh.  I'm not going to get discouraged I'm simply going to write down my thoughts throughout the day and then form them into and interesting blog post for the day.  So that is all for today, I'm sure tomorrow I'll have more to write about. School starts back up which always brings thoughts to my head.  Until then my readers! lol

Hayden Lorraine~

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pioneer Days

Well it's been a little while since my last/first post. Lol :) Finding the time to write is a lot more challenging than I suspected it would be! However I don't have school this week; so now I have plenty of time! One thing I don't think I mentioned in my last post is that I am on my high schools drill team. For those of you who don't know what drill team is, it's a dance team of girls who try out and are selected to compete and perform on the football field at friday night games ( if your from Texas you know how important Friday night football is, lol :)) Lucky for me my director is a strong Christian woman who doesn't allow us to do "questionable" dance moves or dress imodestly. Any way that's not really the subject of this post. Today however in drill team practice my co chaplain ( yes I'm also the chaplain of our team) and I were discussing our favorite movies, the love comes soflty series! Which lead to the discussion of how we thought we were born in the wrong time period. Now of course we know that we weren't born in the wrong time period because we know that the Lord placed us in 2010 for a reason. But still we like to joke about how we sometimes still wish we were Laura ingalls wilder! Which took my mind on an adventure:) It's on nice days like today when you walk outside and are overwhelmed with the most pleasant breeze and smell of crip air, that you wish that the world wasn't such a hectic place, but rather as simple and peaceful as the days of the fictional character Christy Huddleston :) I do so wish sometimes that there was no modern technology; no lights, no television, and no phones, no cars etc... Back to basic simplicities so that we might enjoy Gods creations with no distractions. Nothing but peace so that we might hear Gods quite whisper, instead of the constant hum of hurried people all over the world.  There is nothing more amazing or awesome to me than standing in the middle of a field of tall grass while a steady breeze blows by, times like that are what truly make my heart say praise the Lord! Oh how I wish we could all be content with the simple things of life! Well that's about all that's on my mind. I'll write again tomorrow morning :) Good night all! Hayden Lorraine ~Ecclesiastes 3:1   

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My First Post :)

Thank you for taking a look at my blog! This is my first blog and I would like to keep it going for as long as possible, so lets begin!
My names is Hayden, I'm 17, a senior in high school and I love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind.  I love having deep conversations with my family about life and spending time investing in my friends lives.  I will say though I am most different from eveyone in my family, the only thing we all share in common is our love for the Lord.  I used to be homeschooled up until 8th grade and then felt called to attend a public high school my freshman year.  I loved homeschooling but the Lord had other plans in store for me.  I've learned so many things, good and bad, but most of all benficial for me and my future family I hope to have.  I learned that I am a much stronger person than I thought (not that I thought I wasn't strong) and I was forced to stand up for what I believe in and stand tall in the truth.  All in all and most importantly I grew, more than I could ever imagined , in My God.  How I stand apart in my family can be accredited to my homeschooling background.  I am much more conservative than most (well, all) of my siblings. I have certain convictions, like wearing dresses and skirts only, homeschooling all my children (once I marry and have them)  and not using any form of birth control.  Which brings me to my next subject, I am part of whats called the quiverfull movement.  A group of people who don't believe in any form of family planning, but  rather leave the timing of each child to God and except each one as a blessing.  I feel that even if I did believe in using birth control that If the Lord wanted me to have a child then I would have one, birth control or not.  I also trust that He will provide my husband and I with everything necessary to provide for our children.  So for now I'm here to serve the Lord while I wait for Him to bring me the wonderful man I know He has already created for me :)
Thanks again for taking a look at my blog! I look forward to many posts in the near future!

In His service,


"For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven."
Ecclesiates 3:1